GROOMED introduction and chapter 1

Here are the scripture references for those of you who are not attending this Bible Study and also for those who are attending. These verses come from both the morning class taught by Evelyn and the evening class taught by Janice. We are children of light and not darkness. 1st Thessalonians 5:5. Also finding the truths in God’s word. Psalms 119:160.

One foundational truth of belief is that God loves. 1st John 4:9

Some verses used by either Evelyn or Janice are: Romans 12:1-2, 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 (Bring things to mind as your read), Exodus chapters 2 and 4 (what highs and lows and responses to God), John 8: 31-32, John 8:7, John 16:33, Romans 5:3-5 (this is only possible in the truth of who God is in our lives), Matthew 5:14-16, James 5:16.

This page is not be a comprehensive study. These verses are used in the context of what is being said in the Bible studies. I believe the Spirit will teach you through these verses if you are not attending the study. Not in the context of what was being said, but the truth of what you need as you work through this book. This book will not give you answers. It will not be a fill in the blank where everyone has the same thoughts. Your life is individual. No one but you has walked your life. God knows your life and knows where you need healed. I pray you let Him heal you.

Please work through chapters 2 and 3 for next weeks study. There are some things that Elizabeth will ask you to do through these chapters. Like anything that has spiritual roots, this book will only be as effective as you allow it to be.


Ladies, As we embark on a new journey I pray you come with an open mind and not a prejudice or a preconceived idea. We are NOT doing real talk the way Elizabeth has had the leaders and others walk through this book. What we are doing is using GROOMED to help us in our relationships with other believers and non believers, open pathways of communications with your children and grandchildren, as well as helping us understand the difference between our past and how God uses it for His glory and His kingdom purpose.

We just finished Experiencing God and learning to watch where God is working and get involved. God usually uses leaders to point the way. Your pastor has been pointing this direction for over a year. “Our story His glory” has been pointing this direction. I believe God is wanting to work in our lives in a new way. A way to strengthen your relationships and help the next generation be better equipped to allow God to walk with them. Helping us to forgive our past, forgive ourselves and forgive others. A way to have real conversations with those in your inner circle. A way to rid the demons that you may or may not have known haunts you.

If you are still hesitant about attending the Bible Study, at the very least, read the book Groomed with the purpose of allowing God to heal your soul in areas that you may not have known needed healing. Then pass the book to your children and grandchildren.

One of the key verses for this study is 1st Thessalonians 5:5

Try to have the introduction and chapter 1 read before the Bible Study on either Monday morning or evening.


We will be using a new format for the book of Joshua. The author of the Joshua study was contacted for the purpose of finding out what could and could not be done with his material. The questions and content are not able to be posted because it has a copyright. The copyright gives the church the ability to make copies for the study, but does not allow it to post the questions on the church website.

There will be copies of the questions for each weeks reading of Joshua at the church. Contact Janice or the church office if you would like more information about this study or the change of format.

Currently Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby is scheduled to start the first week in June. More information about this study will be posted later.


Chapter 35

Vs’s 4 -9: This is about the heart.  What does your heart call you to contribute to God on a regular basis?

Vs’s 10-19: What skill do you have? 

How do you use it for the Lord?

Vs’s 20-30: Do you tend to contribute just because everyone around is contributing?

Vs 31: God filled Bezalel with “the Spirit of God”.  What was Bezalel to do with the filling of the Spirit?  What has God filled His Spirit within you to do?

Chapter 36

Vs’s 2-7: The contributions they have was partially as a result of plundering Egypt.

Have you seen God take something that was painful or troublesome in your life and use it to contribute to Him? (My example is the years I spent going into the prison to visit my son. The enemy took away our family life as we knew it.  God allowed me to see my pain as an opportunity to contribute it to Him by helping others in their pain and suffering.)

Vs’s 8-38

God goes into great-detail for building His earthly tabernacle. What detail in your life does He ask you to build for Him? (example, He is asking me to build a stronger prayer life.)

Chapter 37

When thinking about a meeting place for the church today, do you think it needs to be decorative or beautiful? Why or why not?

Chapter 38

God uses bronze and silver for some of the items.  Do you see these items as less valuable or having less honor? Why or why not?

Vs 8: This role for women was given by God.  The Bible does not explain their role other than serving at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.  Do you believe this was a special place of service for God?  Why or why not?

Chapter 39

Vs 30: “Holy to the Lord”. In your life if you wore a hat for others to see these words stamped on it, would it cause you to act differently?

Would you speak differently?

Would you respond differently?

Vs 43: Moses was given the task of inspecting the work to insure it was completed correctly.  Has God given you a spiritual leader, one who gives instructions from God on how to build your tabernacle? 

Would you want that spiritual leader to inspect your spiritual life to see if you completed the work the Lord had asked?

What would the spiritual leader see in your life in which you receive a blessing?

Chapter 40

Vs’s 1-8: Have you arranged your life for Jesus or have you arranged Jesus to fit into your life? 

Here are two ways to decide. 

  1. I give Jesus permission to remove everything in my life that He does not want. 
  2. I like the _____________in my life.  Jesus will forgive me.

Vs’s 17-29: Can doing “as the Lord commanded” be an area of arrogance in your life?

Can doing “as the Lord commanded” be humility in your life?

Vs 33: Looking back in your life what work(s) have you finished for God?

Vs’s 36-37: How do you know when you are to sit and wait until the Lord moves?

How do you know when the Lord moves?

REFLECT: Looking back throughout your journey with the children of Israel thus far, what truth has God given to you for your life as you move into the promise land with Him?

Finishing the book of Exodus this week, take time to reflect over the questions and your responses to them.   Write a prayer to God about your responses.  This will probably include thankfulness, regret, and forgiveness.   Allow the Spirit to confirm where there is newness in your life.  Allow the Spirit to show areas of concern in which changes need to be made.  Allow the Spirit to bring joy into the places where the enemy has robbed.   

From the Pastor

Looking at this chapter as well as the book of Exodus, what Character(s) of God do you see in your life?


Chapter 29

Define ordination as used in this chapter –

Define atonement as used in this chapter –

Define ritual as used in this chapter-

After reading this chapter:

Do you think ritual consecration of ministers is important for the church today as it was for ancient Israel?

Reading about these rituals, how did they benefit the priest?

How did they benefit the people?

How did they benefit God?

Thinking of the priests, has God asked you to separate yourself for a particular service to Him?

Thinking of rituals, do/would they draw you closer to God or do/would they hinder your ability to feel His presence?

Chapter 30

Vs 7  When thinking of burning incense, what image do you have?

Read 2nd Corinthians 2:15. How are you a fragrant aroma to the Lord?

Vs 9   Read Leviticus 10:1-3.  What are your thoughts?

Vs’ 12-15  Thinking of Jesus being your ransom, do these verses bring you comfort?

Chapter 31

Vs’ 2-6  What qualifies you for a task?

Read Luke 19:12-24 and Matthew 25:14-28.  Have a conversation with God about any task He has given you.

After reading the chapter, when told everything to do and exactly how to do it, how do you respond?

Chapter 32

Vs 16  What in your life has been written by the hand of God?

After reading the chapter:

What do you do when you haven’t heard from God in a while?

Why do you think you have those spiritual dry spells?

Think of what you know is God’s will for you, how have you been faithful?

Write your questions and thoughts about this chapter?

Chapter 33

Vs’ 7-11  Where do you meet with God?

Vs 13   Finding favor with God is so simple, but not so easy.  What do you know God has taught you about Himself?

Vs 15 Personalize this verse.

Vs’ 18-19   What did Moses ask from God? (Hebrew word used is KABOD)

What did God give Moses? (Hebrew word used is TUWB)

Have you asked God for one thing and God gave you something different? 

Chapter 34

Vs 9   Define obstinate/stiff-necked.

Do you recognize where you are obstinate/stiff-necked?

Write a prayer of confession to God about it, asking Him to help you destroy it in your life?

Do you recognize where you are a possession/inheritance of God?

Write a new prayer of thanksgiving to God, giving Him glory.

Vs 10 How do you think you would react if God seemed to be doing something unusual in your eyes?

Vs 12  Read 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17.  How is this accomplished in your life?

Vs’ 13-14   Read 2nd Corinthians 10:4-6. Have you ever had to destroy an altar you have built in your life which was not pleasing to God?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – Vs 14   God has given Himself a new name to the people.  He was God Almighty and Jehovah (Strong’s concordance translate it ‘the Lord’ or ‘the existing One’) in Exodus 6:3. The Hebrew word QANNA’ (Jealous) is only used of God according the Strong’s concordance.

Has He ever had to let you know His name is Jealous in your life?

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God did you see in these chapters?

How have you seen this/these characters in your life or in the life of those around you?


Chapter 23

Vs 2 – What is your view of the masses/crowds in our culture?

Vs 3– Between the rich and poor whose side do you usually take?  Why?

Vs 9 – Keep this verse in mind as the children of Israel go into the land God gives them.  It may help you see their perspective.  Not a correct perspective, but understandable.

Vs 15 – FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD – When did God bring you out of slavery ?

Vs 16 – FEAST OF HARVEST – Has there been a time in your life when you gave God the first of yourself?

FEAST OF INGATHERING  – Have you recognized and reflected on what God has given you throughout a years time?

Vs 29 – Our enemy is sin.  Do you recognize that God has been removing enemies from your life? 

Vs 30 – We will read where the Israelites never took full possession of the land.  Do see an area in your life where God has full possession?  Write a prayer to God thanking Him for that area.

God told them what He was going to do and what their responsibility was to be.  What responsibility does God want for you to accomplish in your life?

Vs 33 – How has your enemy (sin) been a snare?

Chapter 24

Vs 3 and 9 – Again we read, “All the words which the Lord has spoken we will do”.  Verse 7 adds “and we will be obedient”. Continue to work through lasts weeks list from Chapter 19:8.

We sing “I surrender all” and truly mean it at the time. What changes the intent of your heart?

Vs 9 -FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – Elders = old, aged, having authority.  Hebrew word is za qen – pronounced zaw-kane

Vs 9 – Who would you choose to be an elder in your personal life?

Vs 11 – FUN STUFF – What would you serve God if He came to eat and drink with you?

Vs 14 – Hur and at least one of his sons will continue to serve God.  In your life is there anyone in the next generation who continues to serve God?

Chapter 25

VS 2 – A contribution has been added to the Altar, pillar, and oath to God.  A contribution was given to construct a sanctuary; a place for God to dwell among them (25:8)

Vs 2 – In your life how has God moved your heart to contribute to His dwelling place? (The dwelling place is in you)

Vs 10-40: God gave very specific instruction on how to build objects in His tabernacle.  What objects has God asked us as followers to specifically build in our lives?  Example; Character, Hebrews 13:5. Read 2nd Peter 1-5. It may help as a starting point.

Using what you wrote, write a prayer to God asking Him to perfect them in your life.

Chapter 26

Vs 6 –There were 50 loops on each side and then bound with 50 gold clasps to hold the curtain that enclosed the tabernacle.  Read Colossians 3:14.  According to this verse love binds everything together.  Try to write 50 ways to show love or be love to fellow believers.

Vs 33 – A veil was placed between the holy place and the holy of holies.  In our lives we can have a veil (sin) separating us from God.  Ask God to show you if there is a veil in your life.

Chapter 27

Vs 9 -19: Look at your life as having a courtyard.  What would you put at its entrance?  Why?

What do you hope people see when they enter your life?

Vs 20 – The lamp was to burn continually.  Here are some verses about lamps and light; Psalm 119:105, Proverbs 6:23, Matthew 5:14-16, John 1:4, John 1:9, John 9:5.  Use one of these verses or one you choose, and personalize it as a continuing lamp or light in your life.  Example – The spirit in me is the lamp of the Lord, God You use the lamp to search all the innermost parts of my life.  Proverbs 20:27

Chapter 28

What do the clothes you wear say about you or your image?

Do you notice clothing on others? If so, do their clothes draw you to them or do you keep them at arm’s length?

Colors and clothing can evoke an emotion.  What is your favorite color? Why?

What is your least favorite color? Why?

Vs 30 – What does this verse symbolize to you?

Do you usually make decisions using your emotions?

Vs 36-38. What does it mean to be holy to the Lord?

Aaron was asked to do difficult tasks as a priest for the Lord.  What is the most difficult task God has asked you to do?

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen it/them in your life or in the lives of those you know?


Chapter 17

FOR FUN: “How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways…”  If someone wanted to show how much they loved you what proof would suffice?

Verse 7 –“Is the Lord amongst us or not?”  How do you recognize that the Lord is with you?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH- verse 16: It is the Lord who will have war with the Amalek from generation to generation.
Verse 16- What are you thought about this truth?

Verse 16 – What are your thoughts when you think about your suffering because God is having a battle with His enemy?

Chapter 18

Verse 17- This advise was a straight forward approach.  How do you respond to advice from someone who uses this type of approach?

How has your experience been when receiving advise from a non-blood family member? 

Do you receive advise with the same enthusiasm as from a blood relative? 

Chapter 19

Verse 8- “All that the Lord has spoken we will do.”  Think about their recent past, has then been true?

As believers we want to think this is true in our lives.  Here is a short list of things we know God has said.  How are you doing in the obedience level? Please look up and the read the verses.  Allow the Holy Spirit speak to you.

Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32)–

Seeing everyone as more important than you ( Philippians 2:3) –

Love the unlovely (Matthew 6:44) –  

Gossip (Proverbs 20:19) (sharing information you have not asked permission to share)-

Being joyful in trials (James 1:2)

Accepting authority put into place by God (Romans 13:1) –

Willing to suffer in the flesh (1st Peter 4:1)-

Your will and work is for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13)-

Obey Christ in your thoughts (2nd Corinthians 10:5)-

Taking the Sabbath rest (Exodus 20:8-11)-

Complaining (Philippians 2:14)-

Controlling anger (James 1:19-20)-

Self-control (frivolous spending, over-eating, procrastination, activities before responsibility, procrastination…just to name a few) (1st Corinthians 7:5, Galatians 5:23, Matthew 6:21)

God wants me to overcome my flesh, die to my fleshly desires:
Rom 8:7-8 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Rom 13:14  But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
Gal 5:16-17  But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
1 Peter 2:11  Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.
1 John 2:16-17  For all that is in the world— the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world.

I have committed to God several times with all my heart that I have died to my flesh(self), only to realize I have sinned again by giving in to self and my selfish desires including; pride, lust and fantasies .

Rewrite a verse which speaks to your disobedience.  Then write a prayer and have a conversation with God about it.  Your area of disobedience may not be in this list. Use the area of your biggest struggle in which the Holy Spirit wants your heart.

Chapter 20

Verses 2-17 – Use one or more of the verses and rewrite it using only the personal pronoun.   For example, verse 3: God You have told me I cannot put my quilting, my family, my activities or my pleasure as an excuse or reason to keep from spending time with You.

Verse 19 – Why do you think the children of Israel thought they would die if God spoke to them?

PAST LESSONS – An altar is built for God (Genesis 8:20).  A pillar is an outward sign or object when God has met with you (Genesis 28:18). An oath is from an inward pledge or vow (Genesis 28:28).

Verse 25-26 – God was specific on how to build His altar.  How could you profane an altar in your life?

Chapter 21

Verses 2-11 – How has God entrusted you with people in your life?

 Are you using Biblical truths when you have interactions with them?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – verse 6: An ear pierced slave gave up his/her freedom or rights.  Slaves were only given the rights God had outlined for the masters.

We should be ear-pierced slaves for God.  Have you given up your right to yourself? A few examples:

To be wronged and not try to make it right – Romans 12:19-20

To not rebel against authority – 1st Peter 2:13-15

Putting yourself before others- Philippians 2:3-4

How do you process 21:12-14?

This chapter deals with personal and property injury.  How do you see our system of justice being different if this was instituted?

Chapter 22

Verse 16 – go back to Genesis 34.  Does this change your view of Shechem?   In view of this verses was Simeon and Levi guilty? 

Verse 20 – Define how you sacrifice to the Lord

Does your definition help you understand the judgement God could inflict on nations within the earth?

Thinking of the past few chapters of laws given to Israel and using these laws, how would you judge the United States?

How do these laws within this chapter relate to the Sovereignty of God? 

How do you relate these laws within this chapter to our community?

How are grace, mercy and love applied in this chapter?

grace –



FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen it/them in your life or in the lives of those you know?


Chapter 11

FOR FUN : If your neighbor asked you for silver and gold, what would be your reaction?

Verse 3 – Have you experienced God having someone show you, a family member or friend favor?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God will do what He says.  In 4:23, God told Moses what He was going to do and now in 11:5 it is being revealed.

Verses 2-8 – Has God told you something that has not come to pass yet and/or something you have seen come to pass?

Verse 7 – How do you see Psalm 75:7, Psalm 83:1 and Psalm 147:6 relate to Exodus 11:7?

Read Daniel 2:21, 1st Samuel 2:6-7, and Psalm 147:6:  What do you see about God?  Is this encouraging to you or discouraging to you?  Why?

What emotion(s) do you display when someone does not listen to your warning?

Do you have an emotional conversation with God when someone does not listen to the warning?

Chapter 12

FOR FUN – What is the most rushed meal in your week?

Exodus 9:20 and 12:30 – God allowed the Egyptians choice in Exodus 9:20, but in 12:30 God did not allow a choice.  Do you struggle with God not giving a choice to the Egyptian people?  Why or Why not?

Verse 17 – Read Deuteronomy 16:3; What did the unleavened bread represent?

What would the unleavened bread represent in your life?

Verse 28 – Does it appear the children of Israel have learned to trust when Moses would repeat something given to him from God?

Who have you had to learn to trust?

Chapter 13

Verse 9 – Read Revelation 13:16-17 ; The beast who is sent to destroy uses the same symbol as God uses in Exodus 13:9.  They are very different.  In Exodus the law of the Lord is to be in your mouth. In Revelation 13:16 it will allow you to buy or sell. Which one is more important to you? Why?  Find at least one Bible verse to back up your answer. (Google)

Verse 14 – Is there something on a regular basis which you do for God? Has someone asked why you do it?

Verses 17 and 18 – What character of God do you see in these 2 verses?  There is no wrong answer.

Chapter 14

Verse 5 – Realization of having to do the work themselves was a selfish motive.  Think of one decision you made and regretted.  What motivated you at the time to make that decision? Be honest with God about it.   

Verses 10 and 11 – What are you most afraid might happen to you?

Read 14:4; what did God say? Read 14:25; what did the Egyptians say? How would you connect these two verses?

Verse 31 – How would you describe God’s power to someone who was not present when God rescued you?

Chapter 15

How do you celebrate when something is accomplished in your life?

Verses 1 through 19 -What questions or observations do you have after reading these verses?

What truths do you see in these same verses?

Verse 26 – Personalize this verse.  Use the example given last week from chapter 6.

Chapter 16

Start a list with 2 columns.  On one side write the complaints or sin of the Israelites, in the opposite column write what God did or how He responded.  Do this throughout the book of Exodus. Here are some verses to get you started.  14:12, 15:24, 16:3.  The list will get long.  We have 40 years.  Every time you write about the children of Israel think about times you have said or done the same thing. 

Verse 3 – When have you forgotten that the Lord provided in your life?  For example: “Gosh I hate the mud.” This would be a response when you forgot you asked God to provide moisture.

Verses 19-20 and 14:31 – What do you see about the Israelites?

Read Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 16:26; Has God changed?

Where in your life have you realized God is consistent and unchanging?

Verse 34 – Do you keep an object as a testimony?  If so, what is it?

Verse 35 – If you could receive one thing from God every day, what would it be?

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen them in your life or in the lives of those you know?


Chapter 5

Verses 1-5 – What is your view of Pharaoh through these first few verses?

Verses 15 – 20 – Have you ever blamed someone for what you now realize was God’s purpose?

Chapter 6

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God was known as God Almighty, but would make His name known as LORD.  According to Strong’s Concordance shadday is the Hebrew word for almighty, meaning most powerful. yhovah is the Hebrew word for Lord, which is Jehovah, meaning “the existing One”

Do you most identify with God Almighty or Lord in your life?

How has that name been realized in your life?

Verse 9 – Who in your life does not listen when you speak about God?

Verse 30 – Have you believed you were not enough for the task God gave you?

2nd Peter 1:3 speaks to this.  Rewrite this verse to personalize it.  For example, I will rewrite Isaiah 26:3 – God, thank you for keeping me in peace and calmness when I keep my thoughts focused on you.  I trust you.

Chapter 7

Verse 2 – Define the word prophet.

Is verse 3 about God or Pharaoh?  Why?

Chapter 8

Verses 8 – 10: Have you ever said “if it isn’t better tomorrow I will___________?

Has anyone asked you to “entreat” God for them after something negative has happened in their life?

Chapter 9

A distinction is made between Israel and the Egypt.  In John 13:35 God tells us how we can make a distinction in the world.  Give an example.

Verses 13-17: Have a conversation with God about something happening in your life where you want to know the purpose?

Verses 20-21: Who breaks your heart because they do not fear the word of the Lord?

Has it caused destruction in their life?

Does their non-fear affect your life as well?

Chapter 10

Verses 16-20: Do you think Pharoah thought he could control God? Why or why not?

Verse 29: What did Moses know would happen to Pharaoh?  Remember the words God spoke to Moses in 4:23.

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen it/them in your life or in the lives of those you know?

CHAPTERS 49-50 & EXODUS 1 – 4

Chapter 49
We read about the life of Israel/Jacob come to an end.  What blessing would you impart to family members?

Jesus came through the descendant of Judah.  Which one of the prophecies, do you most identify as being Jesus in your life?

In the questions for Chapter 35, you were asked to write each name of the sons of Jacob and write them in a way you could add to it.  This is a good chapter to continue this exercise: add where you see God in their lives.

In verse 28, do you view the prophecy to each son as a blessing? Why or why not?

Chapter 50
We don’t read about Israel/Jacob having interactions with the Egyptian people.  Yet there was great mourning for him.  Do you think it was because of Joseph?  Why or why not?

In verse 15, the brothers made a wrong decision based on what they thought about Joseph.  At times, do you make decisions on what you believed was the thoughts of someone?

In Genesis 45:8 and again here in verse 20, Joseph is reassuring his brother of truth.  When have you had to be reminded of truth?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – in verses 24 & 25, Joseph is looking towards a hope for his body to be taken with the children of Israel, when they leave Egypt. We have hope greater than that.  According to these verses (and more), what is our hope? Romans 15:12-13, 1st Peter 1:13, 20-21, 1st John 3:1-3. 

In verse 9, how did the Egyptian king define the word “wisely”?

DIG DEEP- Find verses where God’s word defines wise.  How does God’s word define wise according the verses you found? (Google is an easy way to dig deep)

Verse 11 – How do you envision “hard labor”?

Verse 17 – What does it mean to fear God?

Chapter 2
A sister is near her brother in the river.  A mother gets to nurse her own baby in her own home.  The mother gets paid to take care of her own child.  In your own words, how is God already showing he is against Pharaoh?

Moses came from Levi.  What prophesy from Genesis chapter 49, do you see that Moses exhibits in this chapter?

Verses 24-25 can be difficult verses to understand.  Use Genesis 15:13-15 to help you interpret these verses.   Here are some other verses which may help you.  Revelation 18:5, Revelation 16:19, Genesis 8:1, Numbers 10:9, Isaiah 49:15-16, Genesis 19:29, Genesis 30:22.  Acts 10:31 Psalm 98:3.   Write your thoughts.

Chapter 3
Verse 6 – How could Moses have known about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

God tells Moses He is “I AM”.  In your life, how is God the “I AM”?

Write a prayer to God thanking Him for who He is in your life today.

If you only had this chapter in the Bible, what would be your perspective of God, Moses and the children of Israel?

Chapter 4
No indication that Moses has had a previous conversation with God.  What is the first conversation you remember having with God?

Using verses 3 – 9 & 23 – Write a list of what God is going to use to convince the Egyptians to let His people leave Egypt? example – staff to snake,

What is the typical conversation you have with God, about the things He asks you to do?

When do you worship?

What encourages you to worship?

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen them in your life or in the lives of those you know?

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