Chapter 5

Verses 1-5 – What is your view of Pharaoh through these first few verses?

Verses 15 – 20 – Have you ever blamed someone for what you now realize was God’s purpose?

Chapter 6

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God was known as God Almighty, but would make His name known as LORD.  According to Strong’s Concordance shadday is the Hebrew word for almighty, meaning most powerful. yhovah is the Hebrew word for Lord, which is Jehovah, meaning “the existing One”

Do you most identify with God Almighty or Lord in your life?

How has that name been realized in your life?

Verse 9 – Who in your life does not listen when you speak about God?

Verse 30 – Have you believed you were not enough for the task God gave you?

2nd Peter 1:3 speaks to this.  Rewrite this verse to personalize it.  For example, I will rewrite Isaiah 26:3 – God, thank you for keeping me in peace and calmness when I keep my thoughts focused on you.  I trust you.

Chapter 7

Verse 2 – Define the word prophet.

Is verse 3 about God or Pharaoh?  Why?

Chapter 8

Verses 8 – 10: Have you ever said “if it isn’t better tomorrow I will___________?

Has anyone asked you to “entreat” God for them after something negative has happened in their life?

Chapter 9

A distinction is made between Israel and the Egypt.  In John 13:35 God tells us how we can make a distinction in the world.  Give an example.

Verses 13-17: Have a conversation with God about something happening in your life where you want to know the purpose?

Verses 20-21: Who breaks your heart because they do not fear the word of the Lord?

Has it caused destruction in their life?

Does their non-fear affect your life as well?

Chapter 10

Verses 16-20: Do you think Pharoah thought he could control God? Why or why not?

Verse 29: What did Moses know would happen to Pharaoh?  Remember the words God spoke to Moses in 4:23.

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen it/them in your life or in the lives of those you know?

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