Missions and Outreach

Blue Ridge Community Church is involved in reaching out to our local community in Happy Jack, and working with people in the field actively sharing God to those who have not heard. Below are some of our external partners we share with.

Hope PRC

Hope Pregnancy Resource Center in Flagstaff provides information, resources, guidance, and reassurance to those facing unplanned pregnancies.

We provide financial support along with donations of clothing and baby supplies along with other means.


We provide financial support to workers in Madagascar to help fund schooling and outreach activities for children in that area.

Sunshine Ministries

Consists of Sunshine Rescue Mission, which ministers to homeless men and Hope Cottage which ministers to homeless and abused women and children.

Disciple Nations Alliance

The Disciple Nations Alliance is an initiative to envision and equip local churches worldwide to fulfill their strategic, God-given roles in the transformation of communities and nations.

We provide financial support and have invited their team to present teaching to our congregation.

Women’s Bible Study

Come to enjoy a time of fellowship with other women who love the Lord.

This year Janice will be leading the Bible study following the yearly Bible reading guide posted here. She will provide weekly updates on her blog posts with summaries and discussions.

We have two sessions every Monday morning at 9:30 AM. The Monday evening study meets at 5:30 PM. Please contact women@brccaz.com for more info.

Women’s Ministry Blog

Women’s Bible Study Lsssons

Men Sharpening Men

Join us every Friday at 8:00 AM for Bible Study and Prayer groups. We have intimate groups of men who want to know more about the Word, and have an opportunity to build deep relationships with other men for support and accountability.

For more information please contact men@brccaz.com

Men’s Breakfast

Join us for breakfast, fellowship and testimony from men of faith. We typically meet on the third Saturday each month at 8:00 AM. Watch the Events link for the next scheduled breakfast. For more information or opportunities to serve or share, please contact men@brccaz.com

Worship Ministry

Worship at BRCC covers many areas from selecting music for Sunday services to preparing the choir and musicians to accompany the service, and the technical team needed to provide a seamless worship experience, along with special events throughout the year.

This ministry includes musicians, vocalists and technical team members to manage presentations and audio equipment. If you would like to be a part of the team, please contact us at info@brccaz.com.

Worship Ministry Blog

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