GROOMED introduction and chapter 1

Here are the scripture references for those of you who are not attending this Bible Study and also for those who are attending. These verses come from both the morning class taught by Evelyn and the evening class taught by Janice. We are children of light and not darkness. 1st Thessalonians 5:5. Also finding the truths in God’s word. Psalms 119:160.

One foundational truth of belief is that God loves. 1st John 4:9

Some verses used by either Evelyn or Janice are: Romans 12:1-2, 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 (Bring things to mind as your read), Exodus chapters 2 and 4 (what highs and lows and responses to God), John 8: 31-32, John 8:7, John 16:33, Romans 5:3-5 (this is only possible in the truth of who God is in our lives), Matthew 5:14-16, James 5:16.

This page is not be a comprehensive study. These verses are used in the context of what is being said in the Bible studies. I believe the Spirit will teach you through these verses if you are not attending the study. Not in the context of what was being said, but the truth of what you need as you work through this book. This book will not give you answers. It will not be a fill in the blank where everyone has the same thoughts. Your life is individual. No one but you has walked your life. God knows your life and knows where you need healed. I pray you let Him heal you.

Please work through chapters 2 and 3 for next weeks study. There are some things that Elizabeth will ask you to do through these chapters. Like anything that has spiritual roots, this book will only be as effective as you allow it to be.

Comment (1)

  • Nancy Lemberger| September 30, 2023

    Two Sundays ago I attended your church, and I was talking to Evelyn when Jackie gave me this book groomed. I felt honored to receive the book and went back to the valley to start reading it. We are just weekend visitors occasionally…., but I just wanted to let you know that I was there impressed with the women in your church, tomorrow October 1
    We will be attending your church again. I look forward to seeing some of you. Sincerely, Nancy Lemberger, a.k.a. “Fancy Nancy”.

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