BRCC is now able to accept Tithes and Offerings using the electronic banking services from Zelle.

Zelle is a service associated with most banks to electronically send payments from your account to another Zelle user’s account. The transaction is in near real time using electronic funds transfer  This allows us to accept electronic payments without some of the overhead costs charged by credit card companies.

To send money to BRCC a person will need to make sure their bank supports Zelle payments. If you are unsure, you can go to the Zelle website (Zelle® | A fast and easy way to send and receive money ( and click the “See if your bank offers Zelle” button.

You can use your mobile banking app or the online banking website to send money with Zelle. You will need to add a Zelle recipient for BRCC using the email address This email address is associated with our account to allow automatic deposit from other Zelle users. Then you will be able to send money using this recipient. The transaction will only be seen by our accounting team so they can track with other giving amounts for tax purposes.

If you have not used Zelle before, or have questions on how your banking app works, you may need to contact your bank’s customer support to get details.

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