Chapter 11

FOR FUN : If your neighbor asked you for silver and gold, what would be your reaction?

Verse 3 – Have you experienced God having someone show you, a family member or friend favor?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God will do what He says.  In 4:23, God told Moses what He was going to do and now in 11:5 it is being revealed.

Verses 2-8 – Has God told you something that has not come to pass yet and/or something you have seen come to pass?

Verse 7 – How do you see Psalm 75:7, Psalm 83:1 and Psalm 147:6 relate to Exodus 11:7?

Read Daniel 2:21, 1st Samuel 2:6-7, and Psalm 147:6:  What do you see about God?  Is this encouraging to you or discouraging to you?  Why?

What emotion(s) do you display when someone does not listen to your warning?

Do you have an emotional conversation with God when someone does not listen to the warning?

Chapter 12

FOR FUN – What is the most rushed meal in your week?

Exodus 9:20 and 12:30 – God allowed the Egyptians choice in Exodus 9:20, but in 12:30 God did not allow a choice.  Do you struggle with God not giving a choice to the Egyptian people?  Why or Why not?

Verse 17 – Read Deuteronomy 16:3; What did the unleavened bread represent?

What would the unleavened bread represent in your life?

Verse 28 – Does it appear the children of Israel have learned to trust when Moses would repeat something given to him from God?

Who have you had to learn to trust?

Chapter 13

Verse 9 – Read Revelation 13:16-17 ; The beast who is sent to destroy uses the same symbol as God uses in Exodus 13:9.  They are very different.  In Exodus the law of the Lord is to be in your mouth. In Revelation 13:16 it will allow you to buy or sell. Which one is more important to you? Why?  Find at least one Bible verse to back up your answer. (Google)

Verse 14 – Is there something on a regular basis which you do for God? Has someone asked why you do it?

Verses 17 and 18 – What character of God do you see in these 2 verses?  There is no wrong answer.

Chapter 14

Verse 5 – Realization of having to do the work themselves was a selfish motive.  Think of one decision you made and regretted.  What motivated you at the time to make that decision? Be honest with God about it.   

Verses 10 and 11 – What are you most afraid might happen to you?

Read 14:4; what did God say? Read 14:25; what did the Egyptians say? How would you connect these two verses?

Verse 31 – How would you describe God’s power to someone who was not present when God rescued you?

Chapter 15

How do you celebrate when something is accomplished in your life?

Verses 1 through 19 -What questions or observations do you have after reading these verses?

What truths do you see in these same verses?

Verse 26 – Personalize this verse.  Use the example given last week from chapter 6.

Chapter 16

Start a list with 2 columns.  On one side write the complaints or sin of the Israelites, in the opposite column write what God did or how He responded.  Do this throughout the book of Exodus. Here are some verses to get you started.  14:12, 15:24, 16:3.  The list will get long.  We have 40 years.  Every time you write about the children of Israel think about times you have said or done the same thing. 

Verse 3 – When have you forgotten that the Lord provided in your life?  For example: “Gosh I hate the mud.” This would be a response when you forgot you asked God to provide moisture.

Verses 19-20 and 14:31 – What do you see about the Israelites?

Read Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 16:26; Has God changed?

Where in your life have you realized God is consistent and unchanging?

Verse 34 – Do you keep an object as a testimony?  If so, what is it?

Verse 35 – If you could receive one thing from God every day, what would it be?

FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God do you see?

How have you seen them in your life or in the lives of those you know?

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