Our Great God

Genesis 20-22


Abraham shows us many additional facets of God’s character. From the encounter with Abimelech Abraham tries the deception again with Sarah and the king, but God intervenes to protect both the king and Sarah. This lets us know that God sees everything, and is all knowing, especially how he knows our heart. God’s instructions to Abimelech did not align with our way of thinking, further showing that His ways are different from our ways.

Sarah and Abraham are beginning to show that they understand that God’s purpose is more than they know. They can see that through them God plans to build a kingdom on earth. Sarah giving birth at her advanced age was nothing short of a miracle from God to show the people around them. We can see from the story of Abraham that God listens to His people, and we are reminded that God always has His purpose for what transpires, regardless of how we try to intervene.

Abram Believed God

Genesis 13-18


Continuing this week with Abram, we see that after his time in Egypt he still followed God. God promises to make him a great nation, and Abram believed. We all remember the verse in Genesis 15:6 “And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” (ESV) Abram’s story includes a few points where we may question, “Did he really believe?” We see Abram questioning and trying his own ideas, while waiting on God to deliver on His promise.

Abram wanted confirmation on the promise, so God made a covenant with him. Abram then tried his own method to deliver God’s promise, and paid the consequence as the conflict between Hagar and Sarai arose. God reassures Abram, and Abram still questioned God’s ability. Ultimately God delivered on His promise to give Abram a son, Isaac.

Digging into God’s character we can see that He keeps His promises; communicates with His people; never experiences a crisis; when He speaks, nothing is impossible; and God is always faithful, even when our faith falters. How do we identify ourselves? Is it by our beliefs, or do we identify by God’s character.



What are your thoughts, after reading about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

In your life, have you known what God wanted you to do, and yet you hesitated? 

Lot’s wife disobeyed.  Write a prayer of thankfulness, that God did not deal with you in an area of disobedience, like he did with Lot’s wife. 


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – What did God do in verse 6? 

Is God able to keep you from sinning according to 1st Corinthians 10:13?

Now read at 2nd Peter 1:3. How are the verses in 2nd Peter and 1st Corinthians related? 

Have you gotten caught up in a situation, in which you felt you could not escape?

What was it? Examples- gossip or a friends lie.

Have you ever presumed something, that did not prove itself to be truth?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – What did Abraham do in verse 17 in accordance with what God said to Abimelech in verse 7? 

What did Jesus say for us to do in Matthew 5:43-45? 


What are your thoughts about Sarah and her treatment of Hagar?

Does it appear Abraham had different feeling for Ishmael than Sarah did?  Explain your thoughts. 

Think of your own family dynamic.  How are you different from Sarah in your thought process? 

How are you the same as Sarah in your thought process? 

FUN STUFF – Wouldn’t it be great if God told our husband or boss to do what we said? 

What would that be?

Have you ever been to the end of yourself? 

Abimelech recognized God was with Abraham.  Does this mean he had trust in God or believed in God?  Why or why not?

Who recognizes God is with you, and yet does not follow/ believe/ or trust God?

We read where Abraham named the place where God was the center of an oath.  Write a prayer asking forgiveness where you failed to give a name, to the place, where God met you. Or write a prayer of praise where God met you, and you gave it a name. 


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God specifically tested Abraham.  This is not the same as we read in John 16:33 and James 1:2.  How are they different?

Do you think Abraham knew this was a test? Why or why not?

In verse 16 we read “…your only son.”  How do you rectify this, knowing he has a son named Ishmael?


Why do you think Abraham was insistent to purchase the land instead of receiving it as a gift?

Have you ever been insistent on buying something that someone is trying to give to you as a gift? 

Why were you insistent or what was your attitude in the situation?


In verse 7, we read where Abraham trusted God concerning the land which was given to his descendants.

What have you or what are you trusting God to do?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH- Connect verse 12 to verse 26.  What is the truth which was demonstrated so well for us?

What was the conversation between Abraham’s servant and Laban? 

Why do you think this was important?

What is your first thought, when 2 people who are related want to get married?

OVERVIEW Genesis 7-12

Even though we usually think about Genesis 1 as being the beginning, we see beginnings throughout these chapters; rain, the first house boat (ark), animals not responding to man, covenant, specifically given travel guild, the first curse given by man, the first mention of servant, being mighty before the Lord, etc… As we think about beginnings it is important to remember, that every day is a new beginning and not to get trapped in a cycle of the daily grind, but rather look at what God is doing every day.

We talked about how God gave grace to Noah, by shutting the door. Noah would have wanted to bring them to safety, as he and the family listened to the cries of their loved ones, “Uncle Noah, please open the door”, “Noah this is your father and mother who loves you, please save us”, “Noah, remember the time we went and played in the trees together, please help me.” Any loving person would be weeping during this time. We may know God’s plan is perfect, but it may come with pain.

This is the first mention of God making a covenant with man. God told us that ” the inclination of their (man) minds is evil from childhood on…” Just like last week, we do not want to see what we do as evil. We try to cover it up with the word sin.

Noah was given the command to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth”. God has given us a command to go preach the gospel.

Even though Canaan was to be a servant of his brothers, they could choose to do it with a servants heart or out of anger. We are called to be a servant of all. Mark 9:35. We are called to be a slave of all. Mark 10:44. David was a servant. Luke 1:69. We are to serve Jesus, John 12:26.

Babel means confusion (verse 9). We cannot do anything with without the help of God. The times where we have felt confusion is not caused by God, it is a result of our lack of understanding. We can look back on a confused time in our lives and see it was not God confusing us, but our understanding of the situation which caused the confusion.

The word blessed, has many meanings. It is given by God and carried out by God. Samson was blessed. This is not our first thought when he is mentioned. Judges 13:34. Job was blessed. It sure doesn’t read as though he was blessed when he was suffering. Job 42:12. Mary the mother of Jesus was blessed. I am thinking if I was a pregnant teenager who had no husband, the word blessed is not the word I would use. Luke 1:42 -45, 48. This is why it is important to remember that God is the one who calls us blessed. Ephesians 1:3. “…who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.

These 6 chapters are full of beginnings and endings. Belief and unbelief. Greatness and pain. Blessed and cursed. Proud and disgrace. Ambitions and failures. This is humanness. This is the world in which we live. This is the world in which God calls us to be light. We can only do this as we look to God for who He is, not what we want Him to be.

God is Not Fair

Genesis 6-13:4


As we continue in Genesis, we learn more about God’s character. In the story around Noah. We see that God defines sin not man, and He is a God of justice and judgement when He destroyed the world and all its inhabitants. At the time of Noah there was no organized religion, no spiritual leaders, no writings to follow, and the world suffered for it as they ignored God’s authority.

In chapter 12 we see in the story of Abram that he trusted God and followed, but he had his issues as well. Danny provides a difference perspective on an event in Abram’s life where he did not trust God to protect him, and although he did some irrational things that seemed contrary to God’s direction, God still allowed him to prosper. This does not seem fair in our worldly thinking.

Jesus’ parables tell other stories where the outcome does not seem fair such as the prodigal son and the vineyard workers. How do we handle it when it appears that God is not fair? Are we able to see the Kingdom perspective and rise above it, or do we dwell in our selfish thoughts?

Chapters 13 – 18

God gave me a verse years ago, which I have to admit, has caused me both peace and unrest. Paraphrased is goes like this, “Janice if in all your ways, you acknowledge Me, I will give you direction,”  Proverbs 3:6 Well…, my way in this Bible study was to not have any foundational truth questions, which usually is interpreted as “pat” answers. God has made it clear that I need to include these types of questions.  How you choose to use these questions in your life, is not for me to determine.  So…., with God’s direction, you will have some foundational truth questions.  I will write “FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH” followed by the question.  I do not want to confuse you with “thinking outside the box” with what is foundational.

For example, Foundational Truth – Does God love you? Write a verse which substantiates your answer. You may not use John 3:16. Dig deeper.

I am asking God to continue to lead me, as my way, gets in the way of HIS WAYS.


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: Go back to chapter 10.   Which of the sons of Noah was responsible for the Canaanites?  This is important to remember throughout the reading of the Old Testament. 

The Canaanites are seen often in the Old Testament.  Are they always friends of Israel? Look at Judges 1:9 for example.

We read that Lot chose to live where people were wicked and sinners or rebels against the Lord.

Have you ever been to a place of wickedness?  What was your purpose in doing this?  How did you respond?

Go to Matthew 10:22 – How has this been true in your life?


Concerning Lot being taken as a prisoner.  Reflect on your life.  When did you make a bad decision and yet God sent someone to your defense? 

What were your thoughts in the middle of the turmoil, knowing it was because of a choice you made?

Verse 21 – In your opinion did the kings of Sodom have a right to ask for the men to be returned to him?  Why or why not?


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: Before Christ came, God counted belief in Him as righteousness. 

Does this affect how you think about righteousness?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: God made a covenant with Abraham.

What covenant has God made with us?  Hint; this is found in the New Testament.


Write your thoughts about Sarai and her maid.

Was it some sort of test for Abram and his faithfulness to her? 

Was she hoping it was Abraham’s fault for not having a child?

Was she testing Hagar?   

Any other thoughts?

Have you ever listened to and acted on advice that seemed wrong at some level and followed the advice anyway?  Why, or what motivated you to do it?

Look at the two ways Hagar was described.  Verse 3 and Verse 4. What are your thoughts about this?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: God told Hagar what kind of child Ishmael was going to be. Does God only tell of the positive in our lives?  John 16:33


Fun question – If you could change your first name, what would it be?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH:  God expanded the covenant with Abraham in this chapter which included Abraham having a responsibility within this covenant.

Do we have a responsibility in the covenant He made with us or is totally dependent on Him? Luke 1-68-74 Luke 22:20, Romans 11:27, 2nd Corinthians 3: 6 and 14

Write a prayer to God thanking Him for his covenant with you.

We will explore the covenants of God in later lessons.  This is not an all inclusive look at the covenant. 


Abraham had a conversation with God about Sarah having a son in Chapter 17, yet she laughs in this chapter.  Any thoughts about conversations she might have had or didn’t have with Abraham?

Have you judged or made a negative comment about Sarah laughing?  What absolute truth did you use?

What impression(s) do you have about the conversation between God and Abraham?

Refer back to chapter 15.  What was the foundational truth about righteousness?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: 1st Corinthians 1:30 Romans 10:4,   

Did Jesus’ death and resurrection automatically save all humanity?

Here are some New Testament verses to help you.  Romans 1:17, 3:22, Romans 4:3, Romans 5:17-18, Romans 10:10

Paraphrase what these verses reflect.

Overview of Genesis 1-6

The creation story is amazing. Colossians 1:16 is a great verse to remind us of the what and whys of Creation. “for by Him(God) all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or authorities – all things were created through Him and for Him.”

God gave boundaries. Throughout these first 6 chapters we see God set boundaries for everything in creation. He gave boundaries to man after the fall, for the work week, for the serpent, to Cain after he murdered his brother, and to Noah concerning the animals to be brought to the ark as well as the size of the Ark. These are just a few examples. He has sets boundaries for our good, usually to keep us from doing something foolish or fall into an evil deed.

Secrets or hiding from God, like Adam, Eve and Cain did is very destructive. A secret is not what a pastor holds as a confidence. It is not what is kept because of work, such as I have to do, when I respond to an EMS call. A SECRET is destructive and darkness. It is most often associated with fear and shame. Fear of judgement, loss of friends, and maybe loss of family members. Shame for something that you did or was done to you. Satan will continue to use secrets against you, until is is brought out of darkness and into the light of God. In our reading we will continue to see secrets. Watch for the destruction because of those secrets.

1st John 3:12 tells us why Cain killed his brother. “Not like Cain who was of the evil one and brutally murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his deeds were evil and his bother’s were righteous.” We cannot come to the conclusion that everyone who kills is OF the evil one like Cain. The story of David is one example. His heart was set on covering up his sin and therefore sent his friend to the front line where he was sure to be killed in war. Yet we are told in scripture that he was a man after God’s heart. When confronted with an evil deed, what do you do? Do you repent or do you try to make excuses or reasons why you did it? Titus 3:3 “for we too were once foolish, disobedient, misled, enslaved to various passions and desires, spending our lives in EVIL and envy, hateful and hating one another.” The book of James and 1st Peter are full of verses of how evil can still permeate in our hearts. The alleluia is in Hebrews 8:12 – “for I will be merciful toward their EVIL deeds and their sins I will remember no longer”

Our relationship with God must be one of trust, like Noah’s sons had towards him. They trusted that their father heard from God. As a result, the Ark was built. The question to be asked is, can I build an ark without a good relationship with God?

It is important for us to read scripture, not as a story about others, but of God and His involvement in their lives.

Where Are You?

Genesis 1-3


The new year begins at the beginning in Genesis 1. Danny begins with a discussion on how we perceive things and tend to lock in on a concept and lose sight of changes. A lot of us tend to have this perception of God, where we try to categorize and put boundaries on how we see God. We try to divide him into part time roles without realizing the vastness of God, and how he can be all things at all times.

We start with the creation story and how God spoke things into being. As we dig a little deeper, we find that He is not only performs miracles without a need for us, but He is orderly, His timing is perfect, and He always has a purpose. As we continue, we see that when He created man, He took a more personal approach when He formed man and breathed life into him. God’s characteristics when creating man still shows He has a purpose for us, but the big difference is He gives us a choice. A choice to develop a relationship with Him.


Genesis chapter 7 – 12

These questions are written with the idea that it helps you ask questions while reading, which is my prayer for you.  We will also continue to have “Real Talk” with God.    

Chapter 7

Think about family members who do not believe God. Would you do all you could, to bring them to safety? 

Have you been in a situation similar to Noah where you had to abandon your immediate family (Mom, Dad, grandchild, nephew, niece, etc..) for God?

Why do you think God inspired the writer to add that the waters rose 20 feet above the mountains?

Is there something new in this chapter you have never noticed before or a question that you pondered about this chapter in which there is no immediate answer?

Chapter 8

Look back to chapter 5 and find what Noah’s name meant. 

Do you think Lamech envisioned what was to happen to mankind? Why or why not?

What did you envision in your life and what became reality?

Chapter 9

What were you expected to do as a child, teenager and/or young adult?

Write your definition of CURSED.

We are called to be a servant.  Is it the same type of servant Canaan was told he would be?  Why or why not?

After reading this chapter did you have more questions than answers? Write down those questions.

Chapter 10

Who is the relative to whom you are most proud to be related?  Why?

Nimrod was “…a mighty hunter before the Lord.”  In what area of your life do you see yourself as mighty before the Lord? 

Write a prayer to God thanking Him for making you mighty in an area of your life or asking Him to show you how you are mighty before Him.  Again, this is having real talk with God.

Chapter 11

Have you had an ambition for your life which could not be accomplished without help? Was there a person in your life who was against it?

Have you had a time in your life where it felt like God caused a Babel?

God has the writer break down Shem’s descendants into ages.  We do not see that for the other sons of Noah.  Why do think it was important to do this for Shem and his family?

Chapter 12

Where is home?

Define the word BLESSED.

Think back to a time you did not trust God. Did you repent or did you choose to ignore your action? Allow the Spirit to reveal your heart, before you answer this question.

Write a prayer thanking Him for His faithfulness in the midst of your unbelief. 

What is Revealed?

Revelation 19-22


As we wrap up our reading in Revelation we see what is being revealed about God’s character. We see that His judgement is true and just, He reigns forever, He rules His enemies, and we are reminded that God is in Control. As we read further we see that for believers God dwells with them, He wipes away their tears, and makes all things new. Essentially, He wants to have a relationship with those who follow Him.

Danny’s message dives into these characteristics and as John was telling the believers in his time, not only is God in control, He desires an intimate relationship with those who love Him.

NOTE: Due to some technical issues this week, there is no recording of the sermon to post on the site.