Chapters 13 – 18

God gave me a verse years ago, which I have to admit, has caused me both peace and unrest. Paraphrased is goes like this, “Janice if in all your ways, you acknowledge Me, I will give you direction,”  Proverbs 3:6 Well…, my way in this Bible study was to not have any foundational truth questions, which usually is interpreted as “pat” answers. God has made it clear that I need to include these types of questions.  How you choose to use these questions in your life, is not for me to determine.  So…., with God’s direction, you will have some foundational truth questions.  I will write “FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH” followed by the question.  I do not want to confuse you with “thinking outside the box” with what is foundational.

For example, Foundational Truth – Does God love you? Write a verse which substantiates your answer. You may not use John 3:16. Dig deeper.

I am asking God to continue to lead me, as my way, gets in the way of HIS WAYS.


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: Go back to chapter 10.   Which of the sons of Noah was responsible for the Canaanites?  This is important to remember throughout the reading of the Old Testament. 

The Canaanites are seen often in the Old Testament.  Are they always friends of Israel? Look at Judges 1:9 for example.

We read that Lot chose to live where people were wicked and sinners or rebels against the Lord.

Have you ever been to a place of wickedness?  What was your purpose in doing this?  How did you respond?

Go to Matthew 10:22 – How has this been true in your life?


Concerning Lot being taken as a prisoner.  Reflect on your life.  When did you make a bad decision and yet God sent someone to your defense? 

What were your thoughts in the middle of the turmoil, knowing it was because of a choice you made?

Verse 21 – In your opinion did the kings of Sodom have a right to ask for the men to be returned to him?  Why or why not?


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: Before Christ came, God counted belief in Him as righteousness. 

Does this affect how you think about righteousness?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: God made a covenant with Abraham.

What covenant has God made with us?  Hint; this is found in the New Testament.


Write your thoughts about Sarai and her maid.

Was it some sort of test for Abram and his faithfulness to her? 

Was she hoping it was Abraham’s fault for not having a child?

Was she testing Hagar?   

Any other thoughts?

Have you ever listened to and acted on advice that seemed wrong at some level and followed the advice anyway?  Why, or what motivated you to do it?

Look at the two ways Hagar was described.  Verse 3 and Verse 4. What are your thoughts about this?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: God told Hagar what kind of child Ishmael was going to be. Does God only tell of the positive in our lives?  John 16:33


Fun question – If you could change your first name, what would it be?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH:  God expanded the covenant with Abraham in this chapter which included Abraham having a responsibility within this covenant.

Do we have a responsibility in the covenant He made with us or is totally dependent on Him? Luke 1-68-74 Luke 22:20, Romans 11:27, 2nd Corinthians 3: 6 and 14

Write a prayer to God thanking Him for his covenant with you.

We will explore the covenants of God in later lessons.  This is not an all inclusive look at the covenant. 


Abraham had a conversation with God about Sarah having a son in Chapter 17, yet she laughs in this chapter.  Any thoughts about conversations she might have had or didn’t have with Abraham?

Have you judged or made a negative comment about Sarah laughing?  What absolute truth did you use?

What impression(s) do you have about the conversation between God and Abraham?

Refer back to chapter 15.  What was the foundational truth about righteousness?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH: 1st Corinthians 1:30 Romans 10:4,   

Did Jesus’ death and resurrection automatically save all humanity?

Here are some New Testament verses to help you.  Romans 1:17, 3:22, Romans 4:3, Romans 5:17-18, Romans 10:10

Paraphrase what these verses reflect.

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