These questions are written with the idea that it helps you ask questions while reading, which is my prayer for you. We will also continue to have “Real Talk” with God.
Chapter 7
Think about family members who do not believe God. Would you do all you could, to bring them to safety?
Have you been in a situation similar to Noah where you had to abandon your immediate family (Mom, Dad, grandchild, nephew, niece, etc..) for God?
Why do you think God inspired the writer to add that the waters rose 20 feet above the mountains?
Is there something new in this chapter you have never noticed before or a question that you pondered about this chapter in which there is no immediate answer?
Chapter 8
Look back to chapter 5 and find what Noah’s name meant.
Do you think Lamech envisioned what was to happen to mankind? Why or why not?
What did you envision in your life and what became reality?
Chapter 9
What were you expected to do as a child, teenager and/or young adult?
Write your definition of CURSED.
We are called to be a servant. Is it the same type of servant Canaan was told he would be? Why or why not?
After reading this chapter did you have more questions than answers? Write down those questions.
Chapter 10
Who is the relative to whom you are most proud to be related? Why?
Nimrod was “…a mighty hunter before the Lord.” In what area of your life do you see yourself as mighty before the Lord?
Write a prayer to God thanking Him for making you mighty in an area of your life or asking Him to show you how you are mighty before Him. Again, this is having real talk with God.
Chapter 11
Have you had an ambition for your life which could not be accomplished without help? Was there a person in your life who was against it?
Have you had a time in your life where it felt like God caused a Babel?
God has the writer break down Shem’s descendants into ages. We do not see that for the other sons of Noah. Why do think it was important to do this for Shem and his family?
Chapter 12
Where is home?
Define the word BLESSED.
Think back to a time you did not trust God. Did you repent or did you choose to ignore your action? Allow the Spirit to reveal your heart, before you answer this question.
Write a prayer thanking Him for His faithfulness in the midst of your unbelief.