What are your thoughts, after reading about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

In your life, have you known what God wanted you to do, and yet you hesitated? 

Lot’s wife disobeyed.  Write a prayer of thankfulness, that God did not deal with you in an area of disobedience, like he did with Lot’s wife. 


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – What did God do in verse 6? 

Is God able to keep you from sinning according to 1st Corinthians 10:13?

Now read at 2nd Peter 1:3. How are the verses in 2nd Peter and 1st Corinthians related? 

Have you gotten caught up in a situation, in which you felt you could not escape?

What was it? Examples- gossip or a friends lie.

Have you ever presumed something, that did not prove itself to be truth?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – What did Abraham do in verse 17 in accordance with what God said to Abimelech in verse 7? 

What did Jesus say for us to do in Matthew 5:43-45? 


What are your thoughts about Sarah and her treatment of Hagar?

Does it appear Abraham had different feeling for Ishmael than Sarah did?  Explain your thoughts. 

Think of your own family dynamic.  How are you different from Sarah in your thought process? 

How are you the same as Sarah in your thought process? 

FUN STUFF – Wouldn’t it be great if God told our husband or boss to do what we said? 

What would that be?

Have you ever been to the end of yourself? 

Abimelech recognized God was with Abraham.  Does this mean he had trust in God or believed in God?  Why or why not?

Who recognizes God is with you, and yet does not follow/ believe/ or trust God?

We read where Abraham named the place where God was the center of an oath.  Write a prayer asking forgiveness where you failed to give a name, to the place, where God met you. Or write a prayer of praise where God met you, and you gave it a name. 


FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – God specifically tested Abraham.  This is not the same as we read in John 16:33 and James 1:2.  How are they different?

Do you think Abraham knew this was a test? Why or why not?

In verse 16 we read “…your only son.”  How do you rectify this, knowing he has a son named Ishmael?


Why do you think Abraham was insistent to purchase the land instead of receiving it as a gift?

Have you ever been insistent on buying something that someone is trying to give to you as a gift? 

Why were you insistent or what was your attitude in the situation?


In verse 7, we read where Abraham trusted God concerning the land which was given to his descendants.

What have you or what are you trusting God to do?

FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH- Connect verse 12 to verse 26.  What is the truth which was demonstrated so well for us?

What was the conversation between Abraham’s servant and Laban? 

Why do you think this was important?

What is your first thought, when 2 people who are related want to get married?

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