As we go through the Bible reading with Pastor Danny, we will explore the Word of God together. There will be questions for you to explore YOUR thoughts. There will be no correct answers to these questions. I am not a “fill in the blank” person for knowledge. I do not think there are “pat” answers. Life does not allow for these types of responses. The journey you have with God is as an individual, working together with the Church of believers, to accomplish the work of the ministry which God has given to you. This Bible Study will be for you to evaluate your thoughts, behaviors, and actions based on the reading of the scripture. One of my favorite quotes is “The Bible was never meant to be reduced to mere study nor insulted by dissection. The Bible is living and designed to be lived.” (author unknown) I pray you are excited to explore God’s word together.
I will be posting the questions for each week’s reading on this page and will have printed copies of them at the church. Look here for the questions on Friday or Saturday for the following week’s reading. For example, we are reading the first six chapters of Genesis the week of January 1st – January 7th. The questions will be for Genesis chapters 1 through 6. Because there is no workbook, you may want to get a three ring binder with lined paper. The daily question page may not have space for your answers, prayers and thoughts.