This week the format has been changed a bit. Hang on! Read chapters 43 – 45 and remember what you read in chapter 42 or go back and read it as well.
The brothers have to go back to Jacob/Israel and explain that Joseph is alive. Remember, Benjamin probably does not know about the secret. They are probably having this discussion in secret…, again.
Scenario – You are one of the brothers. The brothers decide to make up a plausible story, of how they found his tunic covered with blood, and yet Joseph is alive.
Is your thought – no big deal, I have been hiding secrets for years?
Scenario – You are one of the brothers. You tell them you are going to go along with their story, but in your head, you decide to finally reveal your secret, to your father.
When contemplating how to tell your father, would you start by reminding your father of some of the stories you have heard through the years, of his interactions with Laban?
Would you tell him, only of the role, you played in the deception?
Would you tell him the full truth, regardless of the consequences?
Now, imagine you are Jacob/Israel. What would your initial reaction/emotion be, concerning the deception/secret?
Chapter 44
Like Joseph, have you been so overwhelmed with long term emotion, that you could not control it?
Joseph deceived his brothers in chapter 44. What do you imagine the motive was?
Do you think Joseph would have made Benjamin a slave? Why or why not?
Judah demonstrates the same character trait in this chapter, as he did when the brothers were going to kill Joseph. What word, would you use to describe it?
What long term character have you seen in one of your relatives?
Chapter 45
Joseph knew who God was in his life. Are you as convinced of who God is in your life?
Looking back into your life, was there a time where God had to convince you, of His presence?
In your own words and thoughts, connect 45:15 to 45:24.
Chapter 46
In 46:2 God talks to Israel, then addresses him as Jacob. Your thoughts?
What would be, some of your concerns, about moving to a new country, at your current age?
46:34 – What is loathsome, disgusting, or an abomination to you? Would you do anything, in your power, to keep it from touching your life?
Chapter 47
We do not know how Jacob blessed Pharaoh. How would you bless someone, you have met for the first time?
God insured Israel got the best of the land. What has God given you, that you would define as, the best of the land?
Chapter 48
Do you believe that Jacob had the right to claim Joseph’s sons as his? Why or why not?
1st Peter 3:17-18 – Is this applicable to the story of Joseph? Why or why not?
I am more likely to: be emotional or be reserved
I am more likely to: demonstrate affection or hold back
I am more likely to: be family-centered or be work-centered
I am more likely to: be direct or beat around the bush
I am more likely to: plan for the future or take one day at a time
I am more likely to: hold a grudge or forgive
When confronted with pain that I have brought on others, I___________________
When I have the opportunity to forgive others, I____________________________
It is difficult to see God’s plan for my life because_________________________
I want to see God at work in my life by,___________________________________
Which statement(s) is true – I don’t see God at work in my life …
because I really don’t believe he has a purpose for me.
because I have never asked God to open my eyes to see Him in the everyday.
because I do not forgive those who have hurt me.
because I don’t know how to be a blessing to others.
If you do see how God is at work in your life.
What is your purpose?
How do you see Him, in your life?
When did you have to forgive someone who hurt you?
How have you blessed someone?
He is at work in my life when________________________________
FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God did you see this week in the reading?
APPLICATION – Where have you seen the character(s) to be true in your life? Write an example.