Growing up how well did you get along with your siblings or cousins? Has the relationship changed for the better or the worse?
How do you hear from God most often?
Canaan came from which one of Noah’s sons?
Jacob came from which one of Noah’s sons?
Read I Corinthians 10:13. Now according to Genesis 37:20 what ways of escape, could the brothers have taken?
Why do you think Joseph’s dreams, angered his brothers?
What do you think was behind the desire to kill Joseph?
We don’t know the conversation Joseph was having with his brothers, when they were throwing him in the pit. What conversation would you be having?
How do you view Reuben different than his brothers?
Ishmaelites are mentioned in this chapter. Who is Ishmael and who did God say he would be? (Genesis 16:12)
In this chapter, choose only one part of the story as the crime? Why did you choose it?
Judah was Joseph’s protector. According to 2nd Thessalonians 3:3 who is our protector?
Write a conversation to God thanking Him for a specific time he protected you.
In verses 22 and 29, Reuben was not part of the plot to sell Joseph. Was he innocent? Why or why not?
Do you see a double standard concerning men and women in today’s culture?
Have you experienced a double standard between you and men in general? Did it or does it change God’s plan for your life?
In your life, when has God brought something good out of a bad situation?
In verse 6, how would you define “evil in the sight of God”?
Was Judah honest with Tamar in verse 11 and 14?
What are your thoughts concerning Tamar in verses 14-19?
How would Romans 8:28-29 fit Joseph just now?
How do these verses fit in your life just now?
Have you seen where someone was blessed because of another person? (verse 5)
FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH – Joseph’s sin would have been against God, not Potiphar or his wife. Psalm 51:3-4, Psalms 41:4, 2nd Samuel 12:13
39:14-18 – In your own words, what was the evil? Put a name to it.
Considering verses 21 – 23, was Joseph’s life free of trouble? Why or why not?
Where in your life are you feeling imprisoned?
What is the conversation you are having with God for your release?
FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH- Interpretations belong to God (verse 8) 1st Corinthians 12:10, 2nd Peter 1:20-21
When you hear the word dungeon, what are your thoughts?
Have you made a decision, based on something you saw in someone else’s life? Did it go well for you?
Would you rather have a glimpse of the future or have a journey to the past? Why?
Have you ever felt God had forgotten about you? _____ What did He do, to let you know He was still there?
It was 2 years before the cupbearer mentions Joseph to Pharoah. Given the same situation would you get discouraged?
Do you give God credit – always, sometimes, seldom or never? (verse 16)
Did Joseph have wisdom on his own? Why or why not?
Have you asked God for wisdom in an area or in areas of your life?
Read the following verses – 1st Corinthians 1:30, 1st Corinthians 2:5 and 7, Ephesians 1:8 and 17, Colossians 1:28, Colossians 2:3, Colossians 3:16. Ask God to help you use wisdom more often in your life.
In your own words, personalize and rewrite Colossians 3:16.
FUN STUFF – If you could choose what your name means, what would it be? (41:50)
If you were “Queen for The Day”, what would you have the commoners do?
What past trouble, would you like God to help you forget?
Define Repentance?
Should repentance be judged (discerned) on its intention? Its emotion? Or its results?
When someone has deeply wronged you, are you most likely to seek revenge or reconciliation? Be honest with God about this question.
Do you or have you had, what seems like a hopeless situation?
Simeon was left in jail when his brothers went back to their father. Do you think he was treated poorly based on the emotion Joseph had?
FROM THE PASTOR – What Character(s) of God did you see? How have you seen this/these in your life or in the life of someone close to you?