What are you doing with your Minas?-v

Luke 19:11-19


As Jesus is finishing His earthly ministry He tells His disciples a parable about a King who is going away for a while. While he is away he gives his servants 10 Minas and asks them to “engage in business” with them. Some are successful and have multiplied their return. Jesus tells about one who held on to what he was given and did not deliver what the king had anticipated. That outcome was not as pleasant.

The definition of Minas can be perceived in different ways. A good analogy is the Minas are Assets. We are given assets from God in our personality, “Spiritual Gifts”, passion, and our story. We have a choice on how to use these assets for ourselves, or for the Kingdom. As stewards, we need to be willing to take some risk in order to get a good return for our King.

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