Labor Day Car Show 2021

September 4th kicked off a new era in BRCC’s Men’s Ministry as the First Annual Blue Ridge Community Church Labor Day Car Show. Entrants rumbled, roared, snarled, purred, whirred, or sputtered into the parking lot. Thirty masculine machines from most American automotive periods and genre were directed into their spots from their hiding places in Happy Jack garages.

The event shared the date with the neighboring Blue Ridge Fire Department Bazaar and Breakfast as spectators wandered back and forth. “Look at that!”, “I remember . . .”, “I had . . .”, could be heard everywhere. There was something for everyone, from the 20’s coupe through the early hot rods, street rods, trucks, surfing safari searching-for-the-perfect-wave rig, touring bikes, muscle cars, Corvette-powered sand rail, NHRA Altered Roadster drag racer, and this writer’s Best-of-Show peach-lacquered ’65 Pontiac Grand Prix cruiser.

Attendees were asked to vote for their First, Second and Third Place entrants and over 300 votes were cast (the Pontiac took second). Except for the BRFD Red Hot Mamas’ breakfast burritos, it was the weekend highlight for hundreds of Happy Jack residents. As word spreads we look forward to a larger event next year.

Some photos of the entries can be seen below…

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