It appears Isaac and Ishmael were on speaking terms. Have you been in a situation where you had to cooperate with a family member who was difficult?
FUN STUFF – What was the worst trade or swap you have made?
DIG DEEP – Did you read where Abraham ever prayed that Sarah would get pregnant?
In this passage, (be truthful with yourself) How are you similar to Esau?
How are you like Jacob?
In your own words what does the word Despised mean – verse 34.
What is a birthright?
What does it mean to despise the birthright?
What is the first thing you thought when you read verse 7?
Compare 25:11 with 12-14 in this chapter. Write your thoughts.
In verse 24 God tells Isaac why he was going to be blessed. Do you want to be blessed because of you or are you okay being blessed because of someone else?
Write a prayer of thanksgiving in detail with one of the blessings you have received.
FUN EXERCISE – this will give insight into who you are. Again, be truthful with yourself.
1) What do you do when there is a Jacob (scheming to take what is yours) in your life?
2) When God blesses people in whom I don’t approve I _________________________________________
3) When there is a competition and/or conflict in my family, I ______
4) I have tried to encourage healing in my family by _________________
Think back to Eve, who and how did she manipulate?
Who and how did Sarai manipulate?
Who and how did Rebekah manipulate?
How have you manipulated someone? Be truthful, you have. Even if it was where you wanted to go to dinner.
When Jacob lied to Isaac, do you think it was for himself, for his mother, or both? Why do you think this?
Remember and mark verses 39 and 40. In the following chapters you will see this fulfilled.
Have you ever been in a place where life was not worth living? How did you process it, to get through it?
If this did not apply to you; have you had someone close to you who felt this way? What was your role in their pain?
Think of your family. Who makes life difficult for you?
What do you do?
How should you respond to the difficult people in your life?
What spiteful thing have you done?
Did it turn out well?
In light of what we know about Ishmael in Chapter 16:11-12; look back to 27:40 and compare to 28:9. Write your thoughts about where Esau went to get a wife.
This is the first mention of a pillar being built and given a name. A pillar is an outward sign or object of meeting with God. An oath is from an inward pledge or vow. An altar is built to or for God.
If you chose to build a pillar what would be its purpose?
What is our outward sign to God and the world?
In your own words, how are Laban and Jacob alike?
Do you have relatives who have the same traits?
Have you been told you have the same traits as a relative?
In your opinion is it a good trait or a bad trait?
When you want a situation or someone to change, what do you do?
Sarai and Rachel – What are your thoughts?
Who was Sarai and what did she do?
Who was Rachel and what did she do?
When you compete, do you get intense, and want to win at any cost?
The deception continues. Has deception from someone in your life caused pain or made a situation more difficult?
Have you been the deceiver? Be honest with God about it. This is important to your spiritual health.
This is a great story. Humanity at its core. What is the foundational truth about people and their heart? Gen 8:21
Jacob’s actions do nothing to deserve a blessing from God at this point. But what did God tell him in 28:13-15?
Who promised it and was it dependent on Jacob’s actions?
FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH- Who and what is our promise according to these verses? Romans 3:22, 1st Corinthians 1:30, 2nd Corinthians 5:21
FROM THE PASTOR – What character(s) of God did you see this week in the reading?
APPLICATION – Where have you seen the character(s) to be true in you life? Write an example.