Solomon’s Conclusions

Ecclesiastes 7-12


Solomon’s wisdom caused him to question several things about his life. He was wealthy, wise and had great power. there were many thing he noticed that God controlled, and he did not understand. The basic conclusion he arrived at was that God is on control. this was summed up in his statement at the end of the book, reminding us to fear God and follow His commandments.

Fear God does mean to run away because of what He may do to us, but fear in the sense of respect and awe of understanding the power and love God shows to us. This requires trust in God’s wisdom and guidance to the point where we tremble in his presence, knowing that He is in control, and we are willing to follow.


Ecclesiastes 1 – 6


Solomon was a wise, wealthy and powerful king over Israel, during the height of its history. He wrote this book toward the end of his life as a retrospective, looking back on what he had done in life. In this text we see that, although he had many accomplishments and experiences, it was all meaningless compared to what God had done.

Regardless of what he could do with his wealth, power and wisdom, it is the love of God that has lasting results. the commandment God has given us is to love God first with everything in our being. Only then can we love our neighbor.

Let us remember in this season when God loved us so much He gave us His Son as a baby in a manger. So that He would provide salvation for all through His sacrifice.

2024 Christmas Cantata

Our 2024 Christmas Cantata, “When Earth Received Her King” was performed on Sunday December 15th. thanks to all who participated and attended. Below is a video recording of the performance.

Losing Ourselves

Song of Solomon


Many times we have read the book Song of Solomon and asked, “What is God trying to say here?”. the common perspective is to see God’s wonderful plan for life in marriage between a man and a woman with all the blessings.

This book does seem to lay out the progression of a relationship between lovers through courtship, the wedding night, the difficult times and reconciliation. Along the way, the attitude or focus changes between the woman and the man to be more centered on the other person, instead of themselves.

It is a beautiful story dealing with a loving relationship, but why was it included in the Bible?

Looking deeper, we can see how this same relationship process applies to our relationship with Jesus Christ. Through salvation we initially see it as what Jesus has done (or can do) for me. As we grow we realize through trust in Him it becomes how can I serve to please Him.

The Words of a Nobody

Proverbs 30


Not all proverbs are attributed to Solomon. Sometimes God uses obscure, unknown people to accomplish His plan. These words of wisdom from Agur, a humble servant, are one of those occasions. He writes to assure us that every word of God is true.

He closes with advice to help us be at peace with one another. How appropriate at this second week of Advent where we are to focus on peace. Especially the peace we receive as followers of Jesus Christ. Please remember to share both the Peace from God and the peace of God with others throughout the year.

My Son

Proverbs 23, 24


Proverbs provides wisdom is various forms. From stand-alone bits to topical thoughts to guide us in our daily lives. Other passages are grouped through literary forms to provide a consistent message. These words of wisdom provide direction on how God desires us to live our lives in order to provide hope to our souls.

This season of Advent starts with the hope of a savior coming to earth over 2000 years ago, but even more is the hope we have that He is going to return some day and gather us with Him in heaven. Let us keep this hope and share it with others to grow His kingdom.

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