See What the LORD Does

Psalms 147


Why do we praise the LORD? According the the psalm, because it is good or the right thing to do. god also delights in our praises, and He deserves it. Even more reason is when we see what God does when we praise Him.

A clear example of this is looking at the history of the people of Israel. Through their praises, God lifted them up and delivered them from their adversaries.

We also look at nature for the wonderful beauty and care He provides for all creatures, realizing He is all powerful, His timing is perfect, and He can use anything to accomplish His Kingdom purpose.

The Blessing of Unity

Psalms 133


This Psalm begins with how wonderful it is when brothers, or fellow believers, live together in unity. some things that draw us together in unity are the same Savior, same Master, same hope, same heaven, and we experience the same trials, temptations and sorrows. In His closing days on earth Jesus’ prayer was that we would live in unity as one body.

The number one enemy of unity is believing the lies of Satan about ourself or others. An enemy we are most familiar with is our flesh, which tries to tell us our way is better than God’s.

We need to remember that unity is like the anointing oil used for priests and kings in the Old Testament times. the oil was poured over their head and ran down their neck and clothing, proving a covering and fragrant aroma to show the blessings of God, including life forevermore.