
Psalms 96


This Psalm declares God’s glory and wonder, instructing us to proclaim His name to all people. In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul instructs us to be ambassadors for Christ, to represent Jesus to others as we spread the gospel message.

An ambassador is one who is sent by an authority to represent the sender to others. They are not sent to be a warrior or instigator, but sent to instruct and spread the culture and character of the sender. As ambassadors for Christ, we are to spread the Gospel to others in love and truth, building bridges not walls. So we can draw others near to Him.


Psalms 89


The Psalmist begins by praising God for His wonder and power. However, when we understand when this was written, the kingdom of Judah was being exiled to Babylon, a very tough time for the Israelites. How can we praise God when we feel He has left us and do not feel like praise.

God is mentioned several times in this passage using different names of God. Only once is the name YHWH used. This name for God was considered most Holy, and was held with high esteem. We have tried to understand this name and how it is supposed to be pronounced by adding letters or sometimes renaming it altogether.

If you look closely and listen, this name is used by everyone every day. God has put this name in our breath as part of our lives, whether you follow Him or not. God breathed life into Adam and Eve and Man has been expressing His name ever since. Through this, He has instilled in us the reminder that we are never alone and can trust in Him.


Galatians 6:1-5


Paul writes to the Galatian church instructing them that when one of the believers is caught in a transgression, they should be restored with gentleness. The keys here are he is talking about restoration of believers who have strayed, and using gentleness, not harsh words, to bring them back.

It is easy for us to point out the sins of others, especially those outside our own circle. Christ provided the example in His teaching by instructing us to come alongside in a loving manner to restore relationships with Christ. The gentle approach demonstrates the loving care as brothers and sisters, and strengthens the disciple in their walk as they are guided back to fully following God.

My Strength Is Spent

Psalms 71


The Psalmist here has had some tough experiences in life and appears to be at the end of their rope in dispair. We do not know source of the trouble, whether it is being afflicted upon them by an enemy or an internal struggle. After many years of struggle, the author is tired and ready to give up. However, he shows his hope and trust in God to bring him through.

The author provides advice for us when we feel our strength is spent due to troubles. We need to hope continually, praise God, tell others about God’s righteous acts, proclaim God’s might, praise God with our activity and shout for joy. Even as we get older and more experienced, we can proclaim what God has done for us to show His glory.