
Luke 12:49-53


We like to think about Jesus’ love, healing and peacefulness, but this passage in Luke raises some thoughts that can be confusing. He mentions bringing fire, disrupting peace and causing division. Many of us have taken this as an opportunity to justify separating ourselves from unbelievers. However, Jesus’ message is more of a warning of how we should be prepared.

This preparation is not just about the end times when Jesus will literally bring fire to purify the earth, but a warning that following Him may bring division within our own families and those close to us. In Matthew Jesus also mentions having a sword to help be prepared. This is not likely a literal sword, but another reference to the Word of God as our sword. This is not a sword used to attack others, but for our defense, as Jesus demonstrated when He was tempted by Satan.

Matthew also mentions that we need to not only prepare for division regarding those close to us, but we need to be prepared to put Jesus above all others in our life, without diminishing the love we have for those around us. We can find that if we give everything to God, He will help us use it for His purpose. What do you have that you are keeping to yourself, that God can use?

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