When the Word of the Lord Does Not Make Sense

1 Kings 12-13


Looking at the back story of the split of Israel into two kingdoms, we ask “If Solomon is the one who did not follow God’s instruction, why did his son Rehoboam get the punishment?

In chapter 13 we read about a man of God who was sent to the northern kingdom to declare God’s word to Jeroboam with specific instructions. The man of God was deceived by another prophet and died because he did not keep to the instructions provided by God, instead of punishing the lying prophet.

Again, we are confronted with how we listen to God’s instructions, even when they do not make sense. Do we consider His Word as truth, or are we pulled in to the objective truth and relativism of today’s culture? We need to properly respond to our culture to remain in God’s Truth for our lives, and live out God’s purpose for us as we interact with others, whether we agree with God or or if it makes sense.

This is how we can live out our purpose as Kingdom dwellers.

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