When God Says “NO”

1 Chronicles 28:1-12


In our studies of David, we saw both his accomplishments and challenges. His main characteristic is how he trusted God and, in most cases, sought God’s direction and approval in what he did. He loved and honored God to the point that he wanted to build a magnificent Temple as God’s house in Jerusalem. He made plans, saved up gold and silver to help pay for the building, and sought God’s direction on how it should be built. God’s response though was “not you, but your son Solomon will build it”.

How many times have we had great plans or ideas to serve God, or use our gifts and talents to serve, or stored up resources to serve God in what we feel is His purpose, only to have God say not now or not you? What is our reaction? Do we continue pushing on because we know in our heart this is what needs to be done, do we pout and complain because we did all this for nothing. or do we follow David’s example and praise God for allowing us to prepare the way, even if He has someone else finish the job.

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