When God Makes Concessions

1 Samuel 9-12


Concessions can be defined as something that is granted in response to demands. Does God grant concessions? We learn in 1 Samuel that His people wanted an earthly king, while still keeping God in their midst just in case. God conceded to their wishes, but He also knew what that meant. The earthly king, Saul, would expect compliance through force if needed, and he would get credit for the victories. Yes, they would recognize God was on their side, but now they have a person to follow, like the other nations.

Although God conceded, He was not happy about it. Samuel delivered God’s warning and unleashed His disappointment by destroying their crops. The people realized what they had done, but did not relent.

God may make concessions from time to time, but it is not His perfect will. There is a clear distinction between God’s “people” and those who choose Him as King. What are we looking for? A Savior who can keep up safe and allow us to have our way, or a King who we serve and honor as a member of the Kingdom. God desires us to have a relationship with Him as King.

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