When Confronted with God’s Word

2 Kings 22-24


Josiah was only 8 years old when he became king over Judah. This may have been a good thing, since he did not have time to be brought up by his father king Manasseh, who strayed away from God in a huge way.

Josiah examined God’s Word for guidance and when he learned what God had in store for Judah after their wide disobedience and chasing after other gods, he humbled himself before God and repented of the wicked ways. He sought God’s word from the prophets and listened. Josiah executed a wide spread campaign to rid Israel of the foreign gods, even going to what was the northern kingdom to clean up what was done there.

God still destroyed Judah, but spared Josiah from seeing it during his lifetime, because of how he humbled himself and repented. We see that God can be both general and personal in His approach at the same time. He can bring judgement and love at the same time. He is much more that we can imagine.

Josiah did not always handle being confronted with God’s Word the same. Later he took a more self-centered approach, and paid the price with his life. When, not if, we are confronted by God’s Word in our lives we have a choice to make. Do we ignore and focus on our self, or do we listen, humble ourselves, repent and obey?

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