2 Kings 19-21
PassageWhen faced with a crisis do we try to fix it ourselves, do we pray that God will fix it for us, or do we wait and see what God has to say? King Hezekiah provides an example when Jerusalem was facing certain collapse by the armies of Assyria. His initial response was to humble himself and seek God’s direction, and he listened. God took control and delivered Jerusalem from destruction.
Later in Hezekiah’s life he became ill. When the prophet Isaiah told him he was not going to recover from the illness. Hezekiah prayed reminding God of all he had done to honor Him, and asked that God would relent. Another miracle was delivered to Hezekiah to extend his life by 15 years. However, this raised up pride that affected the kingdom of Judah for several years as his son Manasseh turned the people away from God, and lead to their ultimate captivity.
As we face crises in our lives we need to remember that hearing from God must take priority over God hearing us. the difference is showing pride or humility during these times.