What are we doing with what God has given us?

2 Chronicles 1-3


Four years into Solomon’s reign God answered his prayer for wisdom to govern his kingdom, and God also provided riches and respect from the kingdoms around him. He was a great leader and wanted to honor God. He used his wisdom to govern the people of Israel and surrounding leaders sought him out for guidance. He used his great wealth to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem.

As we are aware, when God blesses us there is also a responsibility to use these for God’s purpose. Solomon was given boundaries on what he should do if he wanted to honor God. Although he was a great leader and accomplished much, he also strayed from what God desired, which we will read in the upcoming weeks.

Solomon was considered the richest, wisest, and most powerful king of all time. However, as we read in the book of Ecclesiastes all that wealth and power was futile without God being a part of it. We have all been blessed in many ways. We can choose to keep it to ourselves or use the blessings to bless others. What does God desire?

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