2 Chronicles 19-20
PassageKing Jehoshaphat from Judah followed God and worked to steer his people away fromt he idols of the past. However, he did align himself with King Ahab of Israel and almost was tyaken in battle as Ahab tried to trick his enemy by disguising himself, while having Jehoshaphat appear to be the king. when Jehoshaphat returned safely to Judah, the prophet Jehu called him out for going to help Ahab, who did not follow God.
Following this, Jehoshaphat was faced with a test of his loyalty to God when a group of armies went up against him. Jehoshaphat sought God’s guidance, listened to what God had to say, and obeyed, even when it did not make sense. This allowed God to show His salvation when He delivered the people of Judah without having to fight themselves.
This is yet another example of how we should approach issues we face today and ask ourselves, “Do we hate what God hates?”, and “Do we love what God loves?” Are we willing to seek God in everything, listen to what His will has for us, do what He says, and sit back and watch how his salvation is glorified, even if we are not directly a part of the action?