The Promised Land – A Miserable Place

Judges 8-14


The story of the people of Israel continues as they go through cycles of following God, and then when things are going good they turn away. Even though they had many leaders who were able to deliver them, they were focused on the lead person, not the true Leader. The mark of a good leader is demonstrated after they ae gone. What influence did they leave behind?

During the roughly 500 years of the period of the Judges the people of Israel should have been enjoying life in the Promised Land. They were God’s chosen people, they prayed and they had the Spirit of God. The part they missed was they were not willing to surrender to God. Instead, they followed the people God provided. What areas in our lives today do we hold back from total surrender? When we sing “I surrender all”, do we really mean all to Him our Blessed Savior, or do we still want control?

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