The Lord Spoke

Numbers 9-12


Hollywood and the media portray Moses as a great leader. if we look closely we see he was more of a representative who listened and followed God’s instruction. Several times in the book of numbers we read that God spoke and the people acted. He told them when to pick up and move and when to stop and stay. It was when they did not listen and resorted to their own idea of what was needed that they got into trouble.

How often do we fall into the same trap of listening to our own desires instead of waiting on God to give us insight on where He wants us to go? It’s easy when God’s plan aligns with ours, but when we are challenged it gets tough to accept that His ways are greater than our ways.

Several of God’s character traits are shown as the people of Israel sought the Promised Land. the one that stands out, and is key to being able to follow, is to remember that God Speaks, and we need to listen.

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