2 Kings 9, 10
PassageElisha sent one of his men to anoint Jehu king over Israel, while Joram, a descendant of Ahab, was still king. Jehu then proceeded to carry out the prophesy from Elijah against Ahab’s family by killing all those associated with Ahab both family and members of his court. Talk about tense times!
The part of this we tend to forget in that this was done in accordance with God’s prophesy, showing that God fulfills His promises, even if it brings tension and conflict.
The quesiton to consider is not that if we will have tension in our lives, but how we will handle it when it comes. If we are plugged into the “body”, which is the church, we are able to handle the tension with strength and work together in harmony. It is when we try to manage it ourselves that we find discord.