Seeing God at Work

2 Kings 1-4


The end of 1 Kings and opening chapters in 2 Kings take a break from discussing the battles and related events of the Kings of Israel and Judah and insert two key prophets of God with their amazing accomplishments. Elijah was born in the northern kingdom of Israel and lived with the kings who did not follow God. Even in the midst of this type of surroundings, he was able to demonstrate God’s power through prophesy and miracles.

Elisha, his successor, who was also from Israel witnessed God taking Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. Receiving a blessing of God’s power, he immediately tested his gift by parting the waters so he could cross back over and begin his prophetic journey. As he learned about God’s gift to him he grew in Spirit and trust in God, showing others what God can do.

Both prophets were from a country and people who did not honor God, yet they were able to be the light to others in that area. As we look at the trouble and conflict in the world today, are we able to look through the negativity and see what God is doing through each of us and those around us to grow His Kingdom? We can if we choose to follow and obey.

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