Pride Destruction

2 Chronicles 26:3-21


King Uzziah, like his father and grandfather before him was identified as a king who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord”. Also like his predecessors, God blessed him with victories and strength as a powerful leader. Unfortunately, like his predecessors, this went to his head as pride, which led to their destruction, and leprosy for Uzziah.

It is quite clear that God does not like our prideful behavior. There are many passages and examples where God has provided warnings and shown how he deals with this sin. It is not just pride in our accomplishments, but we can even be prideful in our religious zeal, putting ourselves above others, even God.

The focus needs to be on what God has done, and is doing, rather than our own achievements. Micah 6:8 provides guidance on how we should live for God. Consider this as you examine yourself and your attitude for others.

NOTE: We had a technical issue this week with our video capture, and there will not be a recoding to view. We apologize to those who regularly view the sermon online. We are investigating and plan to have it resolved next week. the audio file can be downloaded or listened to above.

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