Obtaining Unity

2 Samuel 1-5


The beginning of 2 Samuel covers the transition from Saul to David as king of Israel. This is where we learn that God saw David as “a man after His own heart”. We can see the transition from the end of 1 Samuel where David was focused on himself and how he took matters into his own hands. We also saw that point where David emptied himself to submit to God.

In 2 Samuel we see David asking God what he should do, and he follows without question. God did not have David take charge and arrive back in Israel as a conquering king. He simply told him to go to Hebron and wait. This showed that David had emptied himself to God’s will, was ready to listen. God had a plan and although it took about 7 years, the whole kingdom of Israel was delivered to him with full support.

David showed that unity does not come from what we do, but what we allow God to do through us. Are we willing to empty ourselves of our desires and plans? Are we willing to listen to God’s will and obey? How can we become people after God’s own heart today?

NOTE: Due to some technical issues we were not able to capture the video this week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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