Genesis 25-42
PassageA quick review of the reading in Genesis chapters 25-36 we look at the lives of Isaac, Jacob and the early years oof Joseph that they were not models of God’s character. Isaac followed Abraham’s lead by lying about his wife to Abimelech. Jacob used deception with his brother Esau to steal his birthright and blessing. Joseph as a young man was a spoiled rich kid who lorded it over his brothers as the preferred son of Jacob. Through this time God pursued them and continued to show His presence in spite of their behavior.
It wasn’t until later in Joseph’s life, after 12 years of slavery and imprisonment, that he realized God’s character, and how He orchestrated everything according to His plan.
We tend to put the patriarchs in high esteem but forget that they were mere people who God used to carry out His purpose. It is our choice to decide if we are going to surrender to Him or live for ourselves.