Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples

Luke 22:31-34


In this week’s passage Jesus lets Peter know that Satan has demanded that he be sifted like wheat. When you look at how wheat was harvested in Jesus’ time it was a brutal process of grinding and cutting to separate the grain from the chaff. This analogy foretold what Peter was to go through as a disciple, and He lets us know that it is not always going to be sunshine and roses.

When we look at this passage, we tend to forget what follows, and that is the prayer Jesus has for His disciples. A prayer that when we are challenged by sin that our faith may not fail, that we would turn back to Him, and that our experience would help strengthen our fellow believers. This message is about how we need to be reconciled not only to Jesus, but to our fellow believers, and how we need to be ready to strengthen each other from our life experiences through transparency.

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