How Big is God?

2 Samuel 16-19


David’s reign as king of Israel was not always a time of victory and accomplishments as we normally picture him. He was a great king no doubt, but there was a time when that was in question.

In 2 Samuel we pick up the story where David is on the run from his son Absalom. He brought along his followers and left Jerusalem because his son had assumed power inappropriately. The story tells of how one of David’s own trusted advisors recommended how Absalom could demonstrate power by shaming David in front of the kingdom. Along the way Shimei hurled abuse at him, and Ziba, another trusted follower, lied to him about Mephibosheth in order to get on David’s good side.

David’s reaction to these happenings showed that he trusted God to handle what was happening. David’s behavior seemed unconventional, based on worldly standards. However, David had learned through his experiences to trust in God and let Him take care of the details. It was clear that David served a big God.

How big is our God? Can we trust Him like David did? Is He able to take care of our concerns, both small and large? As we draw closer, we begin to see that nothing is bigger than our God.

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