Genesis 6-13:4
PassageAs we continue in Genesis, we learn more about God’s character. In the story around Noah. We see that God defines sin not man, and He is a God of justice and judgement when He destroyed the world and all its inhabitants. At the time of Noah there was no organized religion, no spiritual leaders, no writings to follow, and the world suffered for it as they ignored God’s authority.
In chapter 12 we see in the story of Abram that he trusted God and followed, but he had his issues as well. Danny provides a difference perspective on an event in Abram’s life where he did not trust God to protect him, and although he did some irrational things that seemed contrary to God’s direction, God still allowed him to prosper. This does not seem fair in our worldly thinking.
Jesus’ parables tell other stories where the outcome does not seem fair such as the prodigal son and the vineyard workers. How do we handle it when it appears that God is not fair? Are we able to see the Kingdom perspective and rise above it, or do we dwell in our selfish thoughts?