Breach of Faith

1 Chronicles 9-10


This week in Chronicles we read a lot of names and history about the Israelites. As we read about the journey from Abraham to Egypt, the Exodus and the period of the Judges God’s people were not always obedient. However, God stayed with them through it all.

The passages here bring out the area where God was more disappointed that His people were trying to hide their disobedience by adjusting God’s laws to suit their own ideas. We read before about Saul whom God appointed as king over Israel had twisted God’s instructions to fit his own plans. This has happened over and over through history, and if we’re honest still happens today.

If we read and study God’s Word it should be clear what He expects us to do. How many times do we give in to culture or our own circumstances and convenience to try to explain out behavior? We need to see that God does not lay down rules to limit us and keep us in line. His Word provides a guide for us to have a rich and fulfilling life as members of His Kingdom, drawing ever closer to Him.

NOTE: We are investigating the technical issues with our video system and hope to have it available next week. Sory for the inconvenience.

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