1 Samuel 26-30
PassageAfter Davi spares Saul once again, his earthly mindset takes over and he decides to run to the land of the Philistines, the very people who want to destroy Israel. Here a man after God’s heart is relying on himself. This self focus leads David to do some actions that are contrary to our idea of who Davis was. He became a thief and murderer as he raided the Philistine cities, then lied to the Philistine leaders, who thought David was fighting for them.
God, however, intervened, as He often does, and punished David through the ones he loved. All the women and children of his followers were taken captive while he was out on another raid. Once again David was put in a vulnerable position, as his men wanted to stone him. This time though David strengthened himself in the Lord, and turned to God for direction, and God provided for him.
When we are vulnerable do we focus on what others can do to us, or do we look to see what God can do through us?