Job 38-42
PassageThe discussions among friends has ended, and now it’s God’s turn to speak. Job was declared at the beginning as upright and righteous by god, but as he went through his anguish and pain Job accused God of not caring for him. He even demanded an answer from God to explain why this was happening.
It was apparent that job did not fully understand the character of God. At least until God laid it out for him. God’s response spells out that He is much more than we can imagine or understand. Even more, god makes it clear that we do not need to understand. We need to have faith that whatever we are going through god has a plan and a purpose for us.
Job never found out why he had to go through his trials, but after getting through his faith was strengthened as he built a more intimate relationship with God. In a similar way, we may never understand why we face certain challenges, but as our relationship with God becomes more intimate, we are able to face the, knowing that God will provide a path for us to make it to the other side.